Meru County Agriculture...One Year After

NERICA (New rice in Africa) is a new variety of rice that is grown in the farms and requires less water to grow thus it is not grown in paddies. It is rain-fed and may require only a little irrigation if the the rain is not adequate in the first three weeks of the crop. The County Government of Meru through the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries is encouraging farmers to start growing this crop to diversify food sources in Meru as well as get alternative sources of income.

Pilot projects have been done in South Imenti, Central Imenti, North Imenti and Tiganias Sub-counties' lower agricultural zones with impressive results. The Department is also in the process of procuring hulling machines to assist farmers to process their produce for food and market. The Government shall also provide seeds to farmers willing to cultivate this crop.

The Deputy Speaker of the County Assembly of Meru Hon. Kimathi, MCA while inspecting a highland rice crop at Mitunguu Ward in South Imenti said that Meru is on the path to mitigating food insecurity. He lauded the work done by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in terms of innovations in crop and animal husbandry.

For More information farmers are advised to contact any Agricultural Officer, Sub-County or Ward Administrator close to you.

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