Governor's New Year Message

As 2014 draws to a close, May I take a moment to wish you and your loved ones peace and happiness as we usher in a new year 2015. I look forward to a new year filled with hope and prosperity for our county. This was a historic year for our county for several reasons, including the fact that we have been able to initiate flagship projects that will make Meru a united, prosperous, green model county. Now it’s time to look to the future with the focus that will bring us more opportunities to propel Meru County development agenda forward. Let us continue to work together arm in arm, from the youth to our elders. I call upon all Meru County residents, well-wishers and stakeholders to come together in tolerance and goodwill to support development, progress and inclusivity in our county regardless of our political affiliations. Let us embrace politics of collaboration, progress and dignity to steer Meru County up the ladder of honour and prosperity among counties. On behalf of my family, and on my own behalf I wish each and every one of you a joyful, peaceful and prosperous New Year 2015.

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