By Mutugi Seth, Maua, Jun 4 -

Photo : Kirimi Nicholas -

Governor Peter Munya used the ushirika day celebrations to outline his agenda for saccos in Meru county.

"The Women, Youth and General Traders Saccos in each of the nine Sub Counties have now been fully operationalized with the release of KShs 67.5 million seed money that I promised, with over 70,000 registered new members." He said

The Governor said Meru is the first County and to date the only County that has a County specific cooperatives law through The County Cooperative Societies Act.

He noted "3,000 coffee farmers in the county have been trained on best practices for coffee farming and management and 1100 Sacco leaders from the nine Sub Counties have been trained on entrepreneurial skills, governance and elementary financial management.

On the promotion of dairy sector, Governor Munya said the County Government Cooperatives Department has initiated a dairy commercialization programme that will inform the interventions required in this economically potential sector.

He announced the Cooperative Task Force has carried out various activities including holding public hearings in all the sub-counties and carrying out case studies on sampled cooperative societies. " Their report that is expected to be out by August this year will guide my Government on the kind of interventions needed to strengthen the cooperative sector." He added

Governor Munya also announced the establishment of Meru County Micro Finance Corporation. The Microfinance Bank will support our micro, small and medium enterprises as well as be a lender of last resort to Saccos. The county is in the process of opening the first two branches at Meru Town and Maua.

According to the Governor, his government will pay NHIF insurance for medical cover to Boda Boda operators who have registered in Saccos.

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