Department Of Trade, Tourism And Cooperatives

Projects / Programs


Department Of Trade, Investment, Industrialization, Tourism & Cooperatives

The trade sub-sector is responsible for the promotion of orderly growth of trade in the county through the provision of business development services and trade regulation. It is also responsible for the promotion of investment and for implementing the national trade policy at the county level.

The co-operative sub-sector is responsible for procurement especially the farm inputs and allied services, marketing services, members education, mobilization of savings, loan disbursement, and sale of consumer goods.

The sub-sectors under this sector are:

  • Trade & Enterprise development
  • Co-operatives.
  • Tourism

Trade Directorate

The directorates main mandate is to create a globally competitive economy with sustainable and equitable socio-economic development.


  • To facilitate orderly growth and sustainable development of trade and enterprises.


a. To undertake policy, legal and institutional reforms for the development of the sector.

b. To promote fair trade practices and protect consumers from any trade malpractices

c. To promote research and Development (R&D) and adoption of innovation and technology.

d. To promote sustainable trade, industrial, and entrepreneurship development.

The trade Directorates key Vision is to create and maintain a globally competitive economy with sustainable and equitable socio-economic development for all. Through their Mission- To facilitate orderly growth and sustainable development of trade and enterprises.- the department has over the recent past;

  • Help the setting up of over 200 Market Development Association(MDAs) which have helped bring traders under one umbrella body that will help government & investors access them faster, resolve issues, access funding, etc.
  • Set up 0ver 150 modern Kiosks that have were ballot on by Hawkers & Mama Mboga. The projected wishes to uplift the smallest traders by providing modern kiosks in prime areas in the Major towns. The project is ongoing with able-bodied &PWDs getting to lease the facilities following transparent balloting by members of the public.

Cooperative Department

Tasked with the responsibility of organizing and growing the cooperative movement in Meru, the departments roles are closely interwoven with the Trade directorates agenda.


Self-sustaining cooperatives.


To facilitate growth and development of economically viable cooperatives.


1. To enforce compliance with cooperative legislation.

2. To promote economically viable cooperatives.

3. To carry out capacity building

4. To promote a culture of savings and improve access to affordable credit.

5. To promote value addition and increase market access.

Tourism department

Tasked with positioning Meru as a world-class destination the directorate has been focused on developing and diversifying County tourism product, Enhance accessibility to tourism products and facilities, Standardize hospitality services, tourism promotion, and marketing

  • In partnership with the Sports Department & Meru County Investment and Development Corporation (MCIDC), the department hosted the first-ever Kenyan Mountain Run event that saw over 3,000 participants engage to raise over Ksh 8M towards the Meru Cancer Institute.

Mandated to position Meru county as the untapped tourist destination for both local and international tourist, the tourism department has the following vision;

· To be the preferred world-class tourist destination.


Provision of thrilling tourist products and facilities in a fascinating sustainable environment


1. Develop and diversify County tourism product

2. Enhance accessibility to tourism products and facilities

3. Standardize hospitality services

4. Tourism promotion and marketing

For more information, visit; Discover Meru County