Governor's Office

  1. On Youth EmpowermentOn Youth EmpowermentJan 06 2014 - We have launched The Meru county Talent Academy at Meru Teachers College. It is a dream come true for us as one of my pledges in the campaigns, was to focus on unleashing the potential of our young people. Investing in the youth is in investing in prosperity, stability and cohesion in our county. Meru county has taken the first step in making…    
  2. On Job CreationOn Job CreationJan 06 2014 - Youth, women and traders saccos will also be established to reverse mass unemployment in the county. My government will work with these SACCOS and boost them with sH1 Million as seed money to liberate them from poverty.    
  3. On County InfrastructureOn County InfrastructureJan 06 2014 - In Malasya last month we sealed the deal for funding of our roads. One of the major milestones achieved by my government this year has been securing funding for 300 kilometers roads from the Malaysian government. The roads are to be made using a technology that is way cheaper than the one that is currently in use. A kilometer of Tarmac at the…    
  4. On Sports and CultureOn Sports and CultureJan 06 2014 - My government is in the process of refurbishing Kinoru and Maua stadiums. I wish to call upon all stakeholders to be patient until the repairs are done. In September we had the Meru county marathon whose theme was to save the girl child. The marathon will be on yearly basis to promote the youth though sports in our county. By the time we hold…    
  5. On Health CareOn Health CareJan 06 2014 - My government is committed to ensuring quality health care to its residents. During the health workers strike that paralyzed most health services across the country, my government purchased and distributed drugs worth 3million to faith based health institutions like Kiirua, Nkubu, Maua Methodist among others to improve their service delivery.…    
  6. WelcomeWelcomeJan 06 2014 - A green, united, prosperous model county is my vision for Meru. To make this dream come true, Meru County is working on an ambitious five-year integrated development plan to steer growth at the grassroots level. My government is committed to ensuring that the residents of the county have access on provision of basic facilities which include…    
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