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  1. MERU COUNTY ALCOHOLIC DRINKS CONTROL BOARD -DEPARTMENT BRIEFSMay 26 2015 - Since the inception of the Alcoholic Drinks Control Board the following has been achieved 1. The nine sub-conties have an operating commmitee duly formed in accordance to the law. 2. Public education and mobilization has been done to create awareness to the public with details on the purpose of the board. 3. The Meru County Aicohilic Drinks…    
  2. Welcome Home Your Excellency & Chairman Council of GovernorsWelcome Home Your Excellency & Chairman Council of GovernorsMay 25 2015 - H.E Governor Munya received a rousing welcome as he came back home after clinching the Chairmanship of the Council Of Governors. People of all walks welcomed their son and hero as he assured them that devolution works and must work. He will protect and sustain devolution and will not allow anything to reverse the gains made so far. The fiery…    
  3. Governor Munya is the Chairman Council Of Governors.Governor Munya is the Chairman Council Of Governors.May 21 2015 - Its celebrations as His Excellency Governor Munya takes the mantle of the Council of Governors Leadership. Governor Munya won the chairmanship through a consensus as his challenger Governor Wycliffe Oparanya takes the chief whip and Governor Mvurya retains his vice chairmanship. The new leadership of CoG. CoG chairman Governor Munya…    
  4. MAKUTANO TRUNK SEWER UNDERWAYMAKUTANO TRUNK SEWER UNDERWAYMay 15 2015 - Governor Peter Munya Thursday morning discussed in details the Makutano Trunk Sewer project with the contractor when the later visited him in his office. The Governor who was flanked by the CEC in charge of Water, Environment and Natural Resources Mary Mwiti and CEC Infrastructure Eng Newton Itobi said ‘’ the construction of the 4.5…    
  5. OXFORD BUSINESS GROUP SHINES SPOTLIGHT ON MERUS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIESOXFORD BUSINESS GROUP SHINES SPOTLIGHT ON MERUS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIESMay 11 2015 - Kenya, February 2014: The global publishing, research and consultancy firm Oxford Business Group (OBG) maps out the investment opportunities emerging in the Kenyan county of Meru, as the African state’s ambitious devolution process gathers pace. OBG’s economic booklet The Report: Meru County 2014, was launched on May 8th at the Panafric…    
  6. GOVERNOR MUNYA ASSURES ON SALARIES DELAYMay 11 2015 - Meru Governor H.E Peter Munya addressed Meru County health workers outside his office on the late payment of April salaries earlier today. ' 'The late disbursement of funds occasioned by the office of the controller of the budget has led to the late payment of wages and implementation of programs.The Treasury remitted the money to our accounts…    
  7. MERU RISING CONFERENCE 2015MERU RISING CONFERENCE 2015May 09 2015 - The MERU business leaders and professionals met on 08/05/2015 in Nairobi. It was not only a follow up to a MERU rising forum held in 2013 that contributed heavily into the County Integrated Development Plan, but a build up towards the Meru International Investors Conference to be held between 25th and 27th June 2015 at Kenya Methodist…    
  8. MERU COUNTY REPORT 2014MERU COUNTY REPORT 2014May 09 2015 - We started a journey to make MERU great. We started it in May 2013 with limited resources, limited infrastructure and big dreams. But it never skipped our hearts and mind that our county is endowed with unlimited opportunities and possibilities. We set our eyes on being a pace setter. We called our people in various functions to iron out our…    
  9. STATE OF THE COUNTIES....MERU COUNTYSTATE OF THE COUNTIES....MERU COUNTYMay 09 2015 - It is with great pleasure and reflective nostalgia that l look back at these two past years of devolution. It has indeed been a time of epic transformation of the lives and livelihoods of our People and County, a time of shared successes in infrastructural development and remarkable improvements of the foundation of economic and social wellbeing…    
  10. H.E GOVERNOR PETER MUNYA ON DEVOLUTION, TWO YEARS LATER.H.E GOVERNOR PETER MUNYA ON DEVOLUTION, TWO YEARS LATER.Apr 24 2015 - It is with great pleasure and reflective nostalgia that I look back at these two years of devolution. It has indeed been a time of epic transformation of the lives and livelihoods of our People and County, a time of shared successes in infrastructural development and remarkable improvements of the foundation of economic and social well-being of…    
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