Investment Opportunities
Investment Opportunities in Education and TechnologyJan 14 2014 - Construction of ECDE centers and classrooms Construction of Polytechnics
Investment Opportunities in Sports, Gender and CultureJan 14 2014 - Construction of various sports stadiums
Investment Opportunities in Water, Environment & ResourcesJan 14 2014 - Construction of Dams Building water supply networks
Investment Opportunities in Tourism & TradeJan 14 2014 - Development of Eco tourism Lodges in Meru National Park and Mt Kenya National Park and in the Meru County Conservancy Development of produce markets in Meru and other major town in Nairobi and Mombasa Construction of Hotels
Investment Opportunities in ICT SectorJan 14 2014 - Network the county offices from head quarters , sub county offices and ward offices Construction of Citizen Service Centers
OverviewJan 06 2014 - A stakeholders’ forum to map out and prioritize the development agenda in Meru County was held on ………and resolved to pursue key investment programmes in four key Economic Drivers: Tourism Agro processing The development of an integrated agro processing plant will be geared at maximising the potential presented by the nearby Isiolo…
Investment Opportunities in Transport and InfrastructureJan 06 2014 - Offering land for development (then from rent payback the person) In major urban centres to put malls (county to offer land) Putting up yard to manufacture concrete pipes for use in improving sewer systems in county towns. With the passing of LAPPSET within the county - its passing through Tigania East where it passes through. The county…
Investment Opportunities in Agricultural SectorJan 04 2014 - Value Chain Addition for bananas. Industry that can process bananas into flour, crisps, puree & wines Processing of Macademia nuts Packaging Meru coffee Construction of grain storage facilities Construction of cold rooms to store perishable agricultural products Construction of Potato processing plant Processing of fruit juices such as…
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