The talks on constitutional reforms culminated day two of the 6th devolution Conference, with deliberations on how to ceil the gaps on inclusiveness, economies of scale, clear separation of power, wage bill vis avis productivity, revenue collected and the cost of living.

In the panel, Meru Governor, Kiraitu Murungi who co-chairs the CoG Committee on the Constitutional Reforms with Prof. Kibwana, Makueni, said the CoG interest is to end financial imperialism that has gravely affected operations of the Counties

He added that in the clamor for the 2010 constitution, the nation tamed imperial leadership but forgot to end financial imperialism.

Further, he held that the committee is doing research that will inform the council's resolve on the referendum, based on the need for increased financial allocation and inclusive governance in order to end the "winner take it all" electoral system.

Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga who was also in the panel, said the nation must objectively examine the structure of governance and improve it without necessarily discarding what is existing.

Odinga added that clear modalities have to be created through inter governmental relations with clear operation frameworks, informed legislation and policy issues that will effect 'Big Four Agenda'

COG Chair, Wycliffe Oparanya intimated that the devolved units function stipulated under Schedule Four of the constitution, do not correspond to the resources allocated to counties, hence the need for reforms. He strongly advocated for feminine gender involvement in top leadership.

On his part Senate Deputy Speaker, Prof. Kindiki, hinted an overwhelming support to the referendum, should the question be on increased revenue allocation and not other non related issues.
[6:30 PM, 3/6/2019] Gichunge: Governor Kiraitu champions for constitution reforms that will end financial imperialism, embrace inclusiveness, economies of scale, vis avis productivity to end the winner take it all electoral system and make clear separation of powers.

The Governor who was speaking at the 6th Devolution Conference in a national discourse for constitutional change within devolution context, said the COG Committee on Constitution Reforms he Co- Chairs with Makueni Governor, Prof. Kibwana, is finalising on a research that will inform CoG resolves on referendum, subject to increased revenue allocation for devolved units.


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